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Archive by category 'Debt' (Page 2)
Written by: leonora | Published on: February 27th, 2012
It’s that time of year when you are thinking about taxes. If you are like many, many people, I am sure a smile is not crossing your lips right now. You are not looking out into the distance picturing flowers and unicorns. Instead, you are probably thinking, @#$%%%@. I don’t have a perfect solution to your hate of taxes, but for those that think there is no out from their tax debt, bankruptcy is certainly an option. Here, I discussed the requirements to make taxes dischargeable in bankruptcy. If you notice, one of the requirements is that the return should [...]
Written by: leonora | Published on: August 2nd, 2011
I always encourage my clients to review their credit report approximately 6 months after bankruptcy, to make sure their discharged debts are accurately reported. You can review your credit report for free at www.annualcreditreport.com every 12 months. You can also request a credit report from all 3 credit reporting agencies: Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. In fact you should make sure: 1. That your bankruptcy is reported and that the correct dates and Chapter are reflected in the credit report. 2. That all debts discharged are reported as “included in bankruptcy.” 3. That all debts included I bankruptcy are reported a [...]
Written by: leonora | Published on: August 1st, 2011
If you are one of the millions of Americans with debt, you may also be one of the many that is behind on your debt. As a result, you may be getting collection calls. Those calls are far from pleasant conversation. Some are downright hostile. I have heard outrageous stories from clients. Despite how strong of a person you may be, these calls can wear you down and cause you to make decisions you may not be happy with. When you are stressed and under pressure, it is hard to think clearly. While I don’t recommend avoiding your problems [...]